
Fraternity and Sorority Housing

We encourage new students to the University of Illinois to live in Private Certified Housing facilities where they receive support through Residence Life Staff as well other amenities and services. In some cases, first-year students may also be eligible to live in Greek housing during their second semester on campus. However, membership must first be granted before living in most houses, and membership recruitment varies with each organization. Additionally, to live in a fraternity or sorority as a first-year, the house must be on a list of University of Illinois Certified Housing facilities. as these facilities are required to meet special University Housing standards.

Certified Houses for Academic Year 2023-2024

Please note: Some facilities listed below may not be eligible to participate in the Reciprocal Program. Please contact the Housing Information Office to confirm eligibility of the facility that you are interested in.

For more information about Greek life at Illinois, visit the Fraternity & Sorority Affairs website.

Certified Chapter NameSafety Inspections Completed in 3 or Fewer Visits (Previous Academic Year)Live-in Housing DirectorCategory of Food Service ProvidedCertified Housing Greek Oscar Award Winner or Nominee (Previous Academic Year)
4-H HouseYesYesCooperativeNominee**
Alpha Chi OmegaYesYesINominee**
Alpha Delta Phi YesYesI
Alpha Epsilon PhiYesYesI
Alpha Epsilon PiYesNoI
Alpha Gamma DeltaYesYesI
Alpha Gamma RhoYesNoI
Alpha Omicron PiYesYesINominee**
Alpha PhiYesYesI
Alpha Sigma PhiYesNoI
Alpha Tau OmegaYesYesI
Alpha Xi DeltaYesYesI
Beta Sigma PsiNoNoII
Chi OmegaYesYesI
Delta ChiYesNoI
Delta Delta DeltaYesYesI
Delta GammaYesYesINominee**
Delta UpsilonYesNoI
Delta ZetaYesYesI
Gamma Phi BetaYesYesIWinner*
Kappa DeltaYesYesINominee**
Kappa Delta RhoN/ANoII
Kappa Kappa GammaYesYesI
Kappa SigmaYesNoI
Phi Delta ThetaYesNoI
Phi Gamma DeltaYesNoI
Phi Kappa PsiYesYesI
Phi Kappa TauYesNoII
Phi MuYesYesI
Phi Sigma KappaYesNoII
Phi Sigma SigmaYesYesI
Pi Beta PhiYesYesIWinner*
Pi Kappa AlphaYesNoI
Sigma Alpha EpsilonYesYesI
Sigma ChiYesNoI
Sigma Delta TauYesYesI
Sigma Phi DeltaYesNoII
Theta XiYesNoI
Zeta Beta TauYesNoI

*Certified Housing Outstanding Chapter Winner, 2022-2023. Outstanding Chapter designation based on chapter completing their safety inspections in one visit, meeting all Certified Housing deadlines, and attending all mandatory Certified Housing functions during the academic year.

**Certified Housing Outstanding Chapter Nominee, 2022-2023. Outstanding Chapter nominees recognized for completing their safety inspections in three or fewer visits, meeting all Certified Housing deadlines, and attending all mandatory Certified Housing functions during the academic year.

Food Service Categories

Category I = Meals prepared on site; food can be stored and reheated/served.

Category II = Meals prepared on site or delivered from a category I facility; food cannot be stored or reheated/served.

Cooperative = Residents share responsibility for menu planning, grocery shopping, and cooking meals.